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Solutions for trace gas detection

Ultra sensitive ammonia (NH3) analyzer

For ambient air and stack measurements
Ultra sensitive ammonia (NH<sub>3</sub>) analyzer

Everyone is regularly exposed to various levels of ammonia in air, soil, water, and food. Most of ammonia released to the environment comes from the degradation of animal waste and industrial processes (e.g. in chemical plants).It is one of the contributors to soil acidification and "acid rain", playing an important role in the long range transport of the acidic pollutants and formation of aerosols in the atmosphere.

In some communities ammonia is reasonably anticipated to endanger public health. Nowadays regulations are becoming stricter to reduce its hazardous effects. To monitor the effects of these actions there is a need for sensitive instrumentation that allows detection of ammonia in the air continuously, online and in the field.

Sensor Sense has, in a collaboration with Synspec, developed a highly sensitive ammonia analyzer based on laser photoacoustics, able to measure continuously ammonia concentrations with a detection limit (2σ) of 2 ppb within 120 seconds. The sales & marketing of this analyzer is done via LSE monitors; a joint venture between Sensor Sense and Synspec.

The analyzer is fully automated, robust, virtually maintenance free and equipped with user friendly software allowing stand alone operation by non specialized personnel.

If you are interested how our ammonia analyzer can be used in your application area, please click here.


Download datasheet: 

Datasheet NH3 analyzer